Made to Stick
Made to Stick – Chip Heath & Dan Heath
- Simplicity
Simplicity is about making the intention very clear (Commander Intent). Example, general asks of platoon to take the hill, not where every soldier needs to stand exactly.
Simplicity is about finding the core of the idea. The hard part is weeding out ideas that may be really important but just aren’t the most important idea. Goal: nothing left to take away. Elegance and prioritisation, not dumbing down.
Example. Southwest airlines. ‘We are THE low-fare airline’. So do they serve lunch?
Simplicity is about starting with the lead. If you say three things, you don’t say anything.
Prevent decision paralysis by eliminating uncertainty about a decision.
Example. Local newspaper. ‘Names, names, and names’. This way they share their core message.
Step 1. Define core message. Step 2. Communicate core message to others.
Simple messages are core and compact. The more we reduce the information in an idea, the stickier it will be. But information behind core message can be huge. E.g. Better one bird in the hand than 10 in the air.
Proverbs are simple yet profound. Short sentences (compact) that draw from long experience (core). E.g. it’s easier to remember JFK than KJF. Ideas with profound compactness are valuable. You use what is already there.
If simple ideas are staged and layered correctly, they can very quickly become complex. Use schema (concepts) to build on. Schemas enable profound simplicity.
Give just enough information to be useful. Then a little more, etc. Pyramid structure text.
Simplicity is analogies. Aliens was Jaws on a spaceship. Imagine how the spaceship looks!
Good metaphors are generative. Create new perceptions, explanations, and inventions. E.g. Disney employees are cast members.
Metaphors and proverbs substitute something easy to think about for something difficult.
Feature creep is the enemy of simplicity. Message needs to be short because we can learn and remember only so much information at once.
How does this apply to Queal?
The question is how we can use simplicity as a way to describe Queal. I think it’s one of our biggest challenges because we (ourselves) think that the product is difficult to explain. So let’s try and make it simple, yet profound.
Another questions is about how we prevent feature creep and don’t overload people with information. Therefore we should be very conscious of how we present information in what order. And what to just not tell people about.
Another question is about how to prevent decision paralysis. What if they have to choose between Queal and WundrBar/Go? Should we present them as alternatives and/or what about presenting it as alternatives to a dinner/breakfast/etc.
Queal – it’s a meal
Queal – easy meal
Queal – easier meal
Queal – it’s a meal, stupid
Queal – healthy breakfast
Queal is a quick meal, like a sandwich (analogy) only better.
Queal is an easy meal. Like a sandwich only better. Easier to make, store & to go. Easier to get vitamins & minerals. Easier to do more in life.
Boost is 21st century (schema) coffee (analogy & schema). Caffeine for energy, LT for focus. Take it with any drink. (v2)
Connecting you.
Queal Go your portable meal. Nutritious like a salad, tasty like a Mars.
Random idea: 400kcal and 700kcal as serving sizes, do Queal in tub. Prices online for 400kcal.
Lieke: More access to life. Door to efficiency. A productive lifestyle. Complete nutrition for body and mind. Enjoy life to the fullest. Key to productivity.
- Getting more out of daily life
Easy food. The smoothiest meal. No cooking skills required.
Nutritious bar food (bar double).
Brain extender. Open hidden doors. - Improve and optimise. Getting more things done.
Onno: A great meal in a short minute. Smart fuel. The ultimate nutrition lifehack. It’s your sandwich, multivitamin and veggies in one. Your efficiency powerup. Effortless but tasty fuel to get you started – to turbo charge your day. - Fuel (analogy) – functional, not to replace the enjoyable foods
Shotgun approach to food. Hit all the marks. A+ nutrition. Tick all the boxes. Score 100% on your next meal. Be your own personal trainer.
Super snickers.
Kala: The best things in life are simple. Perfect nutrition for a better you. - Not nutrition related (on purpose) – focus on concept
Shaken not stirred. Everything in one place, everything in one shake.
Two birds one bar. (time & money)
Conclusions: - Kala: The best things in life are simple. (image: only show shaker or bar?). (vague fb ad)
o A/B with or without description - Kala: shaken not stirred. (cooked. Dead animal. Grilled. Fried. Pouched. Peeled. Gutted.) video or picture? (Floris: draft of picture) (Onno: draft of video)
- Floris: give feedback to bar ads
- Kala: Brain extender. Open hidden doors. Brain power-up. 22nd century coffee.
Where to implement
Prospecting advertisements (how to leverage this info to grow)
- Paar dingen bedenken
Website A/B test homepage & shop pages – or – improve text without A/B test
Email funnel, what do we say to people
What do we say with our packaging (GO bar, Queal, Boost)
PR copy for America
Friends & customers describe Queal as: easy meal. (now they say different things 3=0)
- Unexpected
To get attention, we must attract it. You can do this by breaking a pattern (expectations). Our brain is designed to be keenly aware of changes. This is why warning lights blink.
Surprise gets our attention. Interest keeps it.
Example Dollar Shave Club, what pattern did it break? (high price for blades)
Unexpectedness violates our schemas. When our guessing machines fail, surprise grabs our attention. Surprise makes us pay attention and think. It makes us want to find an answer.
Avoid gimmickry. Surprise should be about your core message. Surprise with insight.
To surprise it can’t be predictable. To be satisfying it should be post-dictable. If you want your ideas to be stickier, you’ve got to break someone’s guessing machine and then fix it.
Identify core message. Find what is counterintuitive about the message? What are the unexpected implications? Why isn’t it already happening naturally? Communicate your message in a way that breaks your audience’s guessing machine along the critical counterintuitive dimension. Then help them refine their thinking.
Expose the parts of your message that are uncommon sense.
Keep attention with a mystery. It creates a need for closure. Mystery is created from an unexpected journey.
Curiosity is the intellectual need to answer questions and close open patterns. Story plays to this universal desire by doing the opposite, posing questions and opening situations. Curiosity happens when we feel a gap in our knowledge. Gap causes pain. Itch to scratch. First open gap, then close it.
If we (audience) gain knowledge we are more and more likely to focus on what we don’t know. E.g. human interest stories. Give people enough information to start caring about their gap in knowledge. Provide context. Sequencing of information is important. More like flirting than lecturing.
Create insight, dramatic shift of how and why world changes. Create knowledge gaps, that need to be resolved.
How does this apply to Queal?
How to break a pattern/schema? (about food)
How to break & fix guessing machine?
How to create mystery?
What questions do I want my audience to ask?
What is our information sequence?
Shake = healthy = all you need
Unexpected story = how I lived of shakes for 30 days…
The stories about soylent and not eating work because they invoke mystery. They also break the pattern of needing to eat your food and/or prepare it. They are post-dictable because it explains that the nutrients are in the mix. The questions of people are: how does this work, does it really work?
A story that combines the different aspects of Queal? Never go to the grocery story again? Everything your body needs, and more.
Unexpected (but maybe not core?) about apocalypse and not needing to go grocery shopping. Having it all, already delivered to you.
Or showing grocery store in bad way. Then ‘save yourself the trouble’. Exposing the unexpected shit of finding groceries, but maybe gimmicky?
Random idea: video that explains why it has everything. Lab-coat-ish story. Then stop, it’s not really about the science of the food (ok it is). But it’s about the research (show stacks of paper). Stock footage research on people nutrition. Maybe even funny with measuring scoop of food or excrement XD.
Where to implement
- Concrete
Abstraction makes it harder to understand an idea and to remember it.
Example: land-reserve company that ‘gave’ people specific plots of land. (putting a name on it)
!!!If you can examine something with your senses, it’s concrete.
Concrete language helps people, especially novices, understand new concepts. Novices crave concreteness.
The more memorable concrete details survived and the abstractions evaporated.
The more hooks an idea has, the better it will cling to memory. Example: brown & blue eyes experiment.
The difference between an expert and a novice is to think abstractly. So be concrete with novices. Curse of Knowledge. Customers are seeking easy and reliable (not complex and sophisticated).
Use concrete (physical) props if possible.
How does this apply to Queal?
Make time concrete. Say: save 1 hour per day. Or have 1 hour more to do x. Or see your loved ones more. Possible other examples, but question is which one to use?
Compare Queal to other existing food things. E.g. sandwich.
In our copy, not focus on the complicated. Focus on the easy and reliable!
Where to implement
- Credible
We believe because our parents or our friends believe. We trust authorities. Experts. Celebrities. Or anti-authorities (anti-smoking).
About honesty and trustworthiness of sources, not their status.
Messages can have internal credibility. Concrete details can help. Vivid details boost credibility.
Statistics are eye-glazing (don’t use them). Use human-scale principle, intuition works on this scale. Statistics aren’t inherently helpful, it’s the scale and context that make them so.
Testable credits, things that can be falsified (example: Wendy’s burger size). “Are you better off than 4 years ago?”.
A few vivid details might be more persuasive than a barrage of statistics.
How does this apply to Queal?
Who is a trustworthy source that we can tap into for endorsing Queal. Any random IT person or can we find a ‘famous’ one who can endorse us. Or business person. Or hiker. That has honesty and can speak from the hearth (also not focus on the ingredients but on benefits of the benefits).
In our own messages, use vivid details of 1) ingredients (maybe – focus on grains?) and 2) use case. “When popping down for a great coding session on the 45th floor of the .. building, Peter Jackson sits down at his XSID computer. Before the starts he opens his … bag and out comes a shaker. With precision he measures 3 scoops … etc)”
Dashboard: good use of statistics, see if all are on human-scale (p145)
Where to implement
- Emotional
One individual trumps the masses. Thinking in statistics shifts people into a more analytical frame of mind. The mere act of calculation is bad.
For people to take action, they have to care.
But using words or feelings too much is semantic stretch (unique). Find associations that are distinctive for our ideas.
Appeal to self-interest. People matter to themselves. Try to get self-interest into every headline you write. Emphasize benefits, the benefit of the benefit. What’s in it for you?
People make decisions based on identiy.
How does this apply to Queal?
Always incorporate the self-interest (why it’s good for you). Use self-interest and not money or other more ‘basic’ motivations. Maybe even use self-actualisation.
Queal is not the tastiest food. It’s food that is made to make you perform the best.
Ready, Steady, Go. Meals to make you do more. Be Ready. Do more.
Or So you can take control (if that is more important than doing more)
- Control of destiny/time/etc
Where to implement
- Stories
How does this apply to Queal?
Where to implement